Agostino, Claessens, Balci, & Zana. The effect of abstract numerals on long-range time interval estimation.
Ball, Michels, & Noesselt. The fate of temporal expectations in noisy environments: Robust extraction of temporal regularities is limited to multisensory events
Ball, Starke, Michels, & Noesselt. Upside down: Task demands and stimulus characteristics reverse inverse effectiveness
Michels, Ball, & Noesselt. When more is more: Multisensory stimulation enhances performance improvement by temporal expectations
Schroeder, Ball, & Busch. The role of alpha oscillations in memory maintenance and distractor inhibition
Michels, Ball, & Noesselt. When more is more: Multisensory stimulation enhances performance improvement by temporal expectations
Schroeder, Ball, & Busch. The role of alpha oscillations in memory maintenance and distractor inhibition
Benz, Hanke, Porcu, & Noesselt. High resolution mapping of human tastant-selective cortex
Noesselt & Pohl. Attentional focus and task demands determine brain responses to visual food cues
Porcu, Benz, Hanke, & Noesselt. Tastant-specific responses in human insula to food pictures.
Ball, Michels, Fuehrmann, Starke, & Noesselt. Protective effects of combined audiovisual stimulation on temporal expectations in noisy environments Open
Dittrich & Noesselt. Task demands influence audiovisual motion extrapolation in three-dimensional space.
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