1st Modelling Symposium:

Bayesian Modeling of Motivated Behavior

Organized by Felix Ball, Emanuele Porcu, Nico Marek, & Tömme Noesselt

Funded by ...


Registration is closed (for now waiting list only)

We are happy to announce the renewal of the Bayes Symposium. The 2nd Bayes Symposium provides once more a mix of theoretical and  application-oriented introductions to Bayesian modelling. This year's symposium is split into two parts: basic and advanced Bayesian modelling (2 days each). Furthermore, we will welcome a new tutor -- Dr. Paul-Christian Bürkner -- who also brings along new topics. 

Detailed Program

Basic Part



09.00 - 09.30: Welcome to Magdeburg: Who we are, what we do,  

                         what will happen
09.30 - 11.30: Basic concepts of Bayesian statistics
12.30 - 14.30: Bayesian hypothesis testing and model comparison
15.00 - 17.00: Fitting simple Bayesian models with Stan
17.15 - 18.30: OPTIONAL - Discussing your data models


09.30 - 11.30: Introduction to linear multilevel models
12.30 - 14.30: Introduction to generalized linear models
15.00 - 16.00: Preparing data for use in multilevel models with R
16.00 - 17.00: Discussion - Pros and Cons of Bayesian statistics


17.15 - 18.30: OPTIONAL - Discussing your data models

Advanced Part



09.30 - 11.30: Fitting response times models brms


12.30 - 14.30: Fitting ordinal models with brms

15.00 - 17.00: Fitting non-linear models with brms
17.15 - 18.30: OPTIONAL - Discussing your data models


09.30 - 11.30: Present your data - How will you apply Bayes statistics?
12.30 - 14.30: Introduction to Bayesian ideal observers I
15.00 - 16.00: Introduction to Bayesian ideal observers II

16:00 - 17:00: Combining behavioral and neuroimaging data

                         Short break
17.10 - 18.00: Summary and final discussion


OPTIONAL - Discussing your data models

When & Where

Basic Part

  • 30.07.2018 - 31.07.2018; Start 9 am


Wednesday off!

  • There has to be some time to digest!

Advanced Part

  • 02.08.2018 - 03.08.2018; Start 9 am


  • Universitätsplatz campus, Gebäude 28, room 27
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How to get to Magdeburg and getting accomodation


Please visit the OvG University website


Software, Code, Equipment, & Requirements

Software: This year, we will use R instead of Matlab! R is a open-source software for data analysis. With Rstudio you also get a nice GUI environment. We will mainly use the R package brms, which is based on the program package Stan.


Code: All code will be regularly updated in the download section at the end of this page. Please check for updates. Major updates will be announced.


Equipment: You will need a laptop. We will provide power sockets.


Requirements: As we will use a programming language (i.e. R) you should be familiar with it or should at least be proficient in another programming language such as Matlab or Python. Anyways, it will be advantages to familiarise yourself with R beforehand. Check out this introduction video or the coursera R course.


Support team: Nico & Emanuele will be your support team if you get stuck. Just use the contact mail address and write to this email with the subject "support required: XXX".

Tutor: Dr. Paul-Christian Bürkner

He is a Ph.D. statistician currently working at the University of Münster (Germany), Department of Psychology. Previously, he has studied Psychology and Mathematics at the universities of Münster and Hagen. See here for an overview of his scientific publications. His research interests are Bayesian Inference, Multilevel Models, Optimal Design, & Meta-Analysis. Further, he created the software package "brms" (Bayesian Regression Models using Stan). We are happy to welcome such an experienced and excellent scientist as this years tutor for our workshop.



Course material


2nd Bayes Workshop_v2.zip
Komprimiertes Archiv im ZIP Format 8.4 MB

Last update

V1 20.04.2018

V2 23.07.2018



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