Organized by Felix Ball, Emanuele Porcu, Peter Vavra, Nico Marek, Camila Agostino & Tömme Noesselt
Funded by ...
The 3rd Modelling Symposium (22.07.2019 - 26.07.2019) provided once more a mix of theoretical and application-oriented analyses. This year's tutor was Dr. Nikolaas N. Oosterhof -- one of the developers of PyMVPA and CoSMoMVPA. The 2019 symposium was centred around Multivariate-Pattern-Analyses; more specifically, we focussed on MVPA for EEG, MEG and fMRI data by means of CoSMoMVPA ( We thank our tutor and all attendees for this great symposium and hope to see you next year! For impressions, see below.
He worked with James Haxby at the CIMeC and his research focuses on the cognitive and neural representation of actions and attention. In this line of research data is acquired with functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) and analysed using multi-variate pattern analysis (MVPA).
Besides empirical work, he was also involved in the development of the PyMVPA (Python) and CoSMoMVPA (Matlab) toolboxes.
Code: The codes for this workshop can be downloaded on the CoSMoMVPA website.
Flyer and Program 2019