# Ball, F., Nentwich, A., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Cross-modal perceptual enhancement of unisensory targets is uni-directional and does not affect temporal expectations. Vision Research. LinkToPaper_bioRxiv and final version in vision research (available till 18.12.2021)
# Ball, F., Andreca, J., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Context dependency of time-based event-related expectations for different modalities. Psychological Research. OpenAccess
# Halchenko, Y.O., [...], Vavra, P., [...] & Hanke, M. (2021). DataLad: distributed system for joint management of code, data, and their relationship. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(63), 3262. OpenAccess
# Vavra, P., Leo Sokolovič, L., Porcu, E., Ripollés, P., Rodríguez-Fornells, A. & Noesselt, T. (2021). Entering into a self-regulated learning mode prevents detrimental effect of feedback removal on memory. PreprintOnBioRxiv
4th Modelling Symposium: Introducing Deep Neural Networks will take place in July, 2021 (online event). For more information and registration see Website_4thModellingSymposium.
# Ball, F., Spuerck, I., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Minimal interplay between explicit knowledge, dynamics of learning and temporal expectations in different, complex uni- and multisensory contexts. Attention, Perception & Psychophsyics. OpenAccess
# Ball, F., Andreca, J., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Context dependency of time-based event-related expectations for different modalities. PreprintOnBioRxiv
# Ball, F., Nentwich, A., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Cross-modal perceptual enhancement of unisensory targets is uni-directional and does not affect temporal expectations. PreprintOnBioRxiv
# Luettgau, L., Porcu, E., Tempelmann, C., & Jocham, G. (2020). Reinstatement of cortical outcome representations during higher-order learning. PreprintOnBioRxiv
# Schettino , A., Porcu, E., Gundlach, C., Keitel , C., & M. Müller, M. M. (2020). Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features? PLoS ONE. 15(4):e0231982. OpenAccessArticle
Unfortunately, we have to shift our symposium to next year due to the pandemic. Stay healthy and hopefully see you next year (online or in person)!
# Porcu, E., Benz, K. M., Ball, F., Tempelmann, C., Hanke, M., & Noesselt, T. (2020). Macroscopic information-based taste representations in insular cortex are shaped by stimulus concentration. PNAS. 117(13):7409-7417. AccessArticlePNAS or Preprint on BioRxiv
# Ball, F., Groth, R.M., Agostino, C.S., Porcu, E., & Noesselt, T. (2019). Explicitly vs. implicitly driven temporal expectations: No evidence for altered perceptual processing due to top-down modulations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(4), 1793-1807. Full text via NatureShareIT
# Starke, J.*, Ball, F.*, Heinze, H.J., & Noesselt, T. (2020). The spatio-temporal profile of multisensory integration. EJN. 51(5): 1210 -1223. PubMed * shared 1st authors
We congratulate Felix Ball for securing a CBBS LSA-Fellowship (EFRE) on augmenting visual reality.
# Porcu, E., Benz, K. M., Ball, F., Tempelmann, C., Hanke, M., & Noesselt, T. (2020). Information-based taste maps in insular cortex are shaped by stimulus concentration. PNAS. Preprint on BioRxiv
We will launch our 24th Modelling Symposium in July 2020. Check out our website.
# Ball, F., Groth, R.M., Agostino, C.S., Porcu, E., & Noesselt, T. (2019). Explicitly vs. implicitly driven temporal expectations: No evidence for altered perceptual processing due to top-down modulations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. (accepted for publication)
# Agostino, C.S., Zana, Y., Balci, F., & Claessens, P.ME. (2019). Effect of Presentation Format on Judgment of Long-Range Time Intervals. Frontiers in Psychology. PubMed
# Liepelt, R., Porcu, E., Stenzel, A., & Lappe M. (2019). Saccadic eye movements do not trigger a joint Simon effect. Psychon Bull Rev. PubMed
# Ripollés, P., Ferreri, L., Mas-Herrero, E., Alicart, H., Gómez-Andrés, A., Marco-Pallares, J., Antonijoan, R.M., Noesselt, T., Valle, M., Riba, J., & Rodriguez-Fornells, A. (2018). Intrinsically regulated learning is modulated by synaptic dopamine signaling. eLife. OpenAccessArticle
# Ball, F., Fuehrmann, F., Stratil, F., & Noesselt, T. (2018). Phasic and sustained interactions of multisensory interplay and temporal expectation. Scientific Reports. OpenAccessArticle
"Phasic and sustained performance enhancement by combining multisensory interplay and temporal expectation" by Felix Ball & Toemme Noesselt
# Dittrich, S. & Noesselt, T. (2018). Temporal Audiovisual Motion Prediction in 2D- vs. 3D-Environments. Frontiers in Psychology. OpenAccessArticle
We will launch our 2nd Bayes Symposium in July 2018. Registration is free of charge. Check out our website.
# Schroeder, S. C. Y., Ball, F., Busch, N. A. (2018). The Role of Alpha Oscillations in Distractor Inhibition during Memory Retention. European Journal of Neuroscience. PubMed
# Ripollés, P., Biel, D., Peñaloza, C., Kaufmann, J., Marco-Pallarés, J., Noesselt, T.*, Rodríguez-Fornells, A.* (2017). STRENGTH OF TEMPORAL WHITE MATTER PATHWAYS PREDICTS SEMANTIC LEARNING. Journal of Neuroscience. [Epub ahead of print] * shared last authors
# Starke, J.*, Ball, F.*, Heinze, H.J., & Noesselt, T. (2017). The spatio-temporal profile of multisensory integration. EJN. [Epub ahead of print] * shared 1st authors
# Ball, F., Michels, L. E., Thiele, C., & Noesselt, T. (2017). The role of multisensory interplay in enabling temporal expectations. Cognition. 170, 130-146. [Epub ahead of print]
"You know it's time: The beneficial effects of temporal attention on perception" - Symposium at ICON 2017. Speakers: Freek van Ede & Kia Nobre, Felix Ball, Jennifer Coull, Theodore Zanto
# Zierul, B., Röder, B., Tempelmann, C., Bruns, P., & Noesselt, T. (2017). The role of auditory cortex in the spatial ventriloquism aftereffect. NeuroImage. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed
# Pohl, T. M., Tempelmann, C., & Noesselt, T. (2017). How task demands shape brain responses to visual food cues. Human Brain Mapping, 38(6), 2897-2912. PubMed